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Mobile App Assessments


Mobile applications are increasingly integral to business operations and customer engagement, making them prime targets for cyber attacks. Malleum’s Mobile App Security Assessments meticulously evaluate your mobile applications to uncover vulnerabilities, ensuring they are secure against both common and sophisticated cyber threats. Our comprehensive approach not only enhances security but also aligns with best practices in mobile development, safeguarding user data, and maintaining your reputation.

Key Benefits

Robust Data Protection
Our assessments focus on securing your mobile applications from data breaches and leaks. By identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities that could lead to data exposure, we help protect sensitive information such as personal details, payment information, and business data, thereby enhancing user trust and compliance with data protection regulations.
Enhanced User Experience
Security issues can significantly degrade app performance and user experience. Our security assessments identify and help resolve these issues, ensuring that your mobile apps remain fast, responsive, and reliable. A secure and efficient app enhances user satisfaction and retention, directly contributing to your business success.
Compliance with Standards
We ensure your mobile applications meet international security standards and compliance requirements, such as GDPR for users in the EU or CCPA in California. Adhering to these standards not only helps avoid potential fines and legal issues but also boosts customer confidence in your commitment to protecting their data.
Prevention of Financial Losses
Securing mobile applications protects against financial fraud and reduces potential revenue losses. By fortifying your apps against vulnerabilities that could be exploited for financial gain, we help safeguard your revenue streams and maintain the integrity of transactional data.
Reputation Management
In the digital age, a single security breach can significantly damage a brand's reputation. Our thorough assessments help prevent such incidents, preserving your brand's reputation and building long-term customer trust.
Strategic Security Planning
Our assessments provide insights that feed into your broader security strategy. By understanding the specific vulnerabilities of your mobile apps, you can better allocate resources and plan security measures that address the most critical risks.

Our Approach

Malleum’s approach to Mobile App Security Assessments meticulously follows a structured and phased process, closely simulating the tactics of sophisticated threat actors while providing a deep dive into the security of mobile applications. Here’s how we ensure a thorough and effective security evaluation:

  1. Reconnaissance

    Initially, our team engages in detailed reconnaissance to gather information about the mobile application’s environment, including backend APIs, services the app interacts with, and other exposed digital assets. This phase sets the groundwork by identifying potential vectors for deeper assessment.

  2. Scanning and Vulnerability Identification

    Using both automated tools and manual techniques, we scan the mobile application to detect known vulnerabilities and security misconfigurations. This includes checking for issues commonly listed in the OWASP Top 10 for mobile, such as improper platform usage, insecure data storage, insecure communication, and insufficient cryptography.

  3. Exploitation

    In this critical phase, we attempt to exploit the identified vulnerabilities to understand the real-world implications of potential breaches. This involves simulating attacks that an actual attacker would employ to explore the impact of vulnerabilities on the app’s functionality and the data it handles. This phase provides valuable insights into how an attacker could gain unauthorized access or escalate privileges within the app.

  4. Post-Exploitation

    Following successful exploitation, our team investigates what further actions an attacker could take within the compromised application. This includes exploring lateral movements to other connected systems or services, accessing sensitive data, or performing actions that could harm the application’s integrity and availability.

want to discuss your Mobile App Assessments needs?

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