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DevSecOps Assessments


Incorporating security as a fundamental part of the development process, DevSecOps represents a shift from traditional development practices by integrating security measures from the outset.

Malleum’s DevSecOps Assessments evaluate your current integration of security within the DevOps cycle, identifying gaps and enhancing practices to ensure that security is an integral and seamless component of your development pipelines. Our assessments aim to build resilience, improve compliance, and speed up the secure delivery of applications.

Key Benefits

Enhanced Security Integration
Our assessments help integrate robust security practices throughout the software development lifecycle, ensuring that security considerations are not an afterthought but a cornerstone of development. This proactive approach reduces vulnerabilities and minimizes the risk of security incidents post-deployment.
Accelerated Deployment Cycles
By embedding security early in the development process, we help streamline workflows and reduce the need for significant revisions late in the cycle, which can delay deployments. This results in faster time-to-market for secure, high-quality software that meets both customer and regulatory requirements.
Increased Operational Efficiency
Implementing DevSecOps practices optimizes your development and operational activities by automating security tasks and ensuring continuous compliance. This efficiency not only saves time and resources but also improves team morale by reducing friction and the need for rework.
Reduced Compliance Risks
Our assessments ensure that your development processes comply with applicable data protection and cybersecurity regulations. Proactively managing compliance through DevSecOps practices helps avoid costly penalties and protects your company’s reputation.
Improved Software Quality
Integrating security into your DevOps processes improves the overall quality of your software. Secure code is quality code, and by focusing on security, you inherently enhance other aspects of software quality, such as reliability and performance.
Robust Risk Management
With DevSecOps, security risks are managed continuously, allowing for immediate detection and mitigation of vulnerabilities. This ongoing risk management helps maintain the security integrity of your software throughout its lifecycle.

Our Approach

Our comprehensive approach to DevSecOps Assessments involves a multi-faceted evaluation of your existing DevOps practices and their integration with security measures:

  1. Current State Analysis

    We begin with a thorough analysis of your current DevOps and security practices to understand the baseline of your capabilities and identify critical gaps.

  2. Toolchain and Automation Review

    We assess the tools and automation processes you currently use for both development and security. This includes reviewing CI/CD pipelines, automated testing tools, and security scanners to ensure they are effectively integrated and utilized within your DevOps environment.

  3. Security Practices Integration

    Our team evaluates how security is integrated into each phase of your development process, from initial design to deployment and maintenance. We focus on areas such as code review, vulnerability scanning, threat modeling, and incident response within the DevOps cycle.

  4. Training and Culture Enhancement

    A key component of DevSecOps is the cultural shift towards shared responsibility for security. We provide recommendations for training and team engagement to foster a security-centric culture within your organization.

  5. Continuous Improvement Strategies

    We develop strategies for continuous monitoring and improvement of your security practices within the DevOps framework. This includes setting up feedback loops, integrating security metrics and KPIs, and regular review points to adapt and evolve security practices as needed.

  6. Customized Action Plan and Roadmap

    Based on our findings, we provide a customized action plan and roadmap to guide the enhancement of your DevSecOps practices. This roadmap includes short-term and long-term goals, prioritized based on impact and feasibility.

want to discuss your DevSecOps Assessments needs?

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