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Media & Telecommunications

Securing Connections and Content in the Digital Era


The Media and Telecommunications industry is at the heart of the digital revolution, playing a crucial role in how information is created, distributed, and consumed. This sector is uniquely positioned at the crossroads of technology and communication, making it a prime target for cyber threats that seek to exploit its central role in information dissemination. From protecting intellectual property and personal data to ensuring the integrity of digital and broadcast content, cybersecurity challenges in this industry are vast and varied.

Malleum’s cybersecurity solutions for the Media and Telecommunications sector are designed to protect against a spectrum of digital threats. Our approach helps secure the infrastructure that supports mobile networks, internet services, broadcasting, and digital media platforms. By partnering with Malleum, organizations can defend against cyberattacks that threaten to disrupt operations, compromise sensitive data, and undermine consumer trust in media and telecommunications services.

Our approach

Malleum’s approach to cybersecurity in the Media and Telecommunications sector involves a comprehensive strategy that addresses the unique needs and vulnerabilities of these industries. We begin with thorough risk assessments to identify potential threats to network infrastructure, digital platforms, and broadcast systems. Our team then implements layered security measures, including intrusion detection systems, robust encryption practices, and secure cloud storage solutions.

We recognize the importance of uninterrupted service and the high stakes of data protection in this sector. Therefore, our cybersecurity measures are designed to be highly resilient, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuity of operations. Malleum also focuses on compliance with regulatory standards and best practices in data protection, helping media and telecom companies navigate the complexities of cybersecurity regulations.

Our support extends beyond technical solutions, offering strategic advice on cybersecurity policies, staff training programs, and incident response planning, ensuring that media and telecommunications companies are prepared to respond swiftly and effectively to cyber incidents.

Services We Provide

Industries We have Served:

Broadcasting and Digital Media

Protection of Broadcast Infrastructure
Malleum secures the critical infrastructure used in broadcasting, protecting against attacks that could disrupt transmission and compromise content.
Cybersecurity for Streaming Platforms
We implement advanced security measures for streaming platforms to protect against data breaches and ensure the privacy of subscriber information.
Intellectual Property Rights Protection
Malleum helps protect intellectual property rights by securing digital assets against unauthorized access and piracy.
Content Management System Security
We enhance the security of content management systems used by media companies to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the integrity of digital content.


Network Security for Telecom Operators
Malleum strengthens the security of telecom networks, protecting against cyberattacks that can lead to service disruptions and data breaches.
Secure Mobile Communication
We secure mobile communication systems to protect against eavesdropping and ensure the confidentiality of voice and data transmissions.
Data Center Security
Malleum protects telecommunications data centers from cyber threats, ensuring the security and availability of critical network infrastructure.
Cyber Resilience in IoT Networks
We enhance the security of IoT devices and networks in the telecommunications sector, protecting against vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber threats.